West Needle Mountains During the Winter by Drone

Backcountry Skiing and Snowboarding Gear Checklist

Avalanche safety is something to take very seriously around the Durango, Colorado area. This area has great potential for unstable snow and can pose a high risk to skiers and snowboarders. Proper planning, training, and equipment are absolutely necessary to explore this area as safely and…

How to Winterize Your Car Before the Ski Season

Hello, snow bunnies and winter drivers! It’s that time of year when the powder is on its way if it isn’t here already! One of the best things you can do to prepare for winter is to winterize your car. Not only is it a good safety measure, but it will keep your car in tip-top shape and also reduce…

How to OHV and Off-Road Responsibly in Durango

OHV and off-roading around the Durango, Colorado area is a very popular activity throughout the year. With hundreds of miles of official OHV trails, Forest Service Roads, and County Roads to explore, it’s not surprising that people come from all over the world to play in and around the off-roading…

31 Ways to Reduce Waste While Vacationing

Everybody loves a good vacation, or as The Go Gos put it “Vacation, all I ever wanted…vacation, had to get away.” But before you “get away” it is important to remember that if we want to continue to enjoy all the beautiful natural wonders of the world, we must do all we can to preserve them. Reduce…

How to Keep Your Dog Cool During the Summer

Our dogs are important to us, and we often show our love for them by taking them with us on trips whenever we can, roughhousing with them, letting them run wild across the great outdoors, and doing whatever they want to do (with reason). These magnificent creatures do not always know their own…